Hi families!
I have seen and used so many products. A great advantage to working in so many different homes (as well as being a mommy myself), I'm able to notice most popular and more importantly, most useful items.
I will add products here along the way!
Text me if you have any questions! Don't forget- put postpartum doula service hours as part of your baby registry!

There are two options to diapering: cloth or disposable. I've done cloth with my first child and it was literally no big deal, and easy. Yes, there's more laundry, but let me walk you through it. Cloth diapers are soft and so cute! Bonus perk, most cloth diaper babies can be potty trained easier because they can feel when they are wet. My oldest was 19 months! I would do cloth during the day and a good disposable at night. If he peed, I'd simply toss in the 'wet bag', or just anything until you are ready to do a diaper wash. When he pooped, we attached a little sprayer to the toilet, held the diaper over the toilet, sprayed the poo off, and tossed in the wet bag.
When looking at disposable, just make sure you have your baby in a diaper that fits snug and isn't too small. That is the reason for blowouts! (Or put on too loose). There are better options for the planet and your babies skin. These are a few that are certified. I usually used Huggies, Target , or Honest (because of cost, and well, the EPA 'friendly' weren't around when my babies were little. The change is up to you all! :) Wipes are pretty versatile and don't vary too much. You could also consider washable wipes! Oh! As far as diaper ointment, stick with something zinc. I thought the butt spatulas were so silly at first. Honestly, it is pretty sweet to not have to get it all over your hands.
Don't forget to add diapers to your registry. Sometimes baby shower hosts provide a diaper raffle. It's ok to ask for certain brands, and sizes! Your newborn may need newborn for about one month, size one for about 2-3 months!